
Bill Gates Tells How He Hacked His School’s Computer To Meet Girls

Short Bytes: Born into a professional family, Bill Gates created one of the biggest software companies in the world. Computers intrigued him from an early age and he utilized his expertise to hack into his school’s computers to meet girls.

Bill Gates needs no introduction whatsoever. After all, he co-found Microsoft and is currently the richest person in the world. In 2000, he also launched the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that has donated more than $34 to the projects aimed at social welfare.

Gates used his first computer at a private school in Seattle. There, he wrote his first computer program aged just 13. It was the same Lakeside School where Gates met Paul Allen and became friends over a shared love of computers. Apart from being enthusiastic about computers, they used to hack into computers from time to time.

You must have heard the famous story that tells how Gates hacked into his school computer to meet girls. In a recent interview with BBC, Bill Gates sheds more light over this story and tells how he enrolled himself into the classes where he was the only boy.

He and fellow Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen hacked and make changes into school’s scheduling software to up Gates’ chances of getting a date. “Paul did the computer scheduling with me. Unfortunately for him, he was two years ahead of me and he was off to college by then,” Gates says.

“So I was the one who benefited by being able to have the nice girls at least sit near me. It wasn’t that I could talk to them or anything — but they were there. I think I was particularly inept at talking to girls, or thinking, ‘OK — do you ask them out, do you not?’ When I went off to Harvard I was a little bit more sociable. But I was below average on talking to girls.”

He became the world’s youngest self-made billionaire by 1987 with a $1.25 billion worth. These days Gates is focusing primarily on philanthropy and inspiring billionaires to sign the Giving Pledge.

Reference :http://fossbytes.com/bill-gates-tells-how-he-hacked-his-schools-computer-to-meet-girls/ 

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