
Microsoft Is Banning Your Stupid And Lazy Password


Short: To stop you from using insecure passwords that are easy to guess and crack, Microsoft has activated the Dynamic Password Banning system in its Microsoft Account Service and Azure AD. The company is also using the Smart Password Lockout feature to restrict the bad guys from accessing your account.

Having a strong password is one of the most important points in the steps to effective security. It’s not a difficult task but very often we feel lazy and decide to use dumb passwords like “12345” or “qwerty”.

Since people can’t stop using these commonly used passwords in their email accounts and other important places, Microsoft is going ahead and banning them. In simple words, if you think you can use “password” as your password, you’ll have to try another email service.

Microsoft has prepared this list by collecting data from more than 10 million daily account attacks. This change is also important as it comes in the wake of the recent leak of whopping 117 million LinkedIn credentials.

While LinkedIn has invalidated those passwords, it’s a well-known fact that people are habitual of using the same password for using up different services. Well, if you need a simple guide on how to create the super-strong passwords,we’ve got it.

If people will try to use a banned password, it’ll show a notification asking you to “choose a password that’s harder for people to guess.”

Microsoft’s new Dynamic Password Banning has been put in place in Microsoft Account and Azure AD system. This service is already live in Microsoft Account Service and in private preview in Azure AD, Microsoft tells. Over the course of the next few months, all 10 million Azure AD accounts will be getting the benefit of this enhanced security layer.

Microsoft will continuously update its password banning system by analyzing the latest data leaks and including the new common passwords.

Microsoft has also talked about its Smart Password Lockout system that detects a bad guy trying to guess your password and lock that account.

Get your free guide on creating an unbreakable password here.

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